IA-ITB NL together with the Indonesian Embassy for the Netherlands and Energy Academy Indonesia (ECADIN) is organizing a technology forum. This event will be further called as Indonesia – The Netherlands Technology Partnership Forum (INTPF). In this forum, representatives of stakeholders from both countries can share their experience, pitch their ideas or products to potential backers, and discuss challenges and opportunities in establishing a partnership in innovations that is mutually beneficial.
As per the name implies, this forum is specifically focused on technology-related issues. We chose the most relevant topic that is not only relevant for the current year, but also for the upcoming years. This ensures each of INTPF is connected to each other and supports our idea of a continuous partnership forum.
We invite interested companies, researchers, governmental bodies, and the general public to the forum and let the forum become a hub for their collaborations, to gather questions and deliver answers, and to implement continuous development. We provide a melting pot for stakeholders to connect and collaborate with potential partners and to learn from others.
A key issue that we would like to address is information asymmetry as one of the significant factor that inhibits advancement and investment in technology. Regardless “experience-based learning” has been proven as an invaluable method, it has never been made a focus of discussion in any technology forum. This “experience-based learning” is the approach of this event where we facilitate co-learning and co-creation among stakeholders.
This year, INTPF chose sustainable energy as its main topic.
As of 2017, renewable energy sources only account for 8% of the primary energy mix sources in Indonesia. While Indonesia aims to increase renewable energy share to 23% (2025) and 31% (2030). Advancement in sustainable energy sector is challenged by regulatory and policy uncertainty, market & financing barriers, undeveloped local renewables industry. On the other hand, the Netherlands has a competitive advantage where prominent institutions and companies are located.